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Joy, by Warwick Broadhead

Sat 10 Jan 2015 In: NZ Writing View at Wayback View at NDHA

In 2006 we published Warwick Broadhead's take on the concept of the joy of being gay. In light of his sad passing, we share his words once more. lastnight walking barefoot on the lawn at four in the morning sipping chamomile and honey and watching a waning moon present and dissolve above the dark illumed clouds you were also present,your spirit spoke and the calm was placed inside my skull then I feltjoy the naked skin opened and was gently fucked by a delicious breeze porebypore delerious on the sound of the crickets singing my song am I gay and joyous at thismoment that does not register what appears is the happiness of being human - my very cells are smiling later I celebrate an erection in the wonder of those early wakeful hours handstogenitals imbibing pleasure and strength I see men and moremen the curve of the mansneck thrills in its beauty i am homosexual and human.the heart encompasses my universe in joyous times and I singout danceout dream to be in a state of utterjoy is an inkling of freedom falling into the others eyes and being held there themanilove that moment in love to love onemoment joy joyous joyousness Warwick Broadhead was a gay performer, author, director, playwright, visualiser, poet, and free spirit.He has died at his home on Waiheke Island, aged 70.     Warwick Broadhead - 10th January 2015

Credit: Warwick Broadhead

First published: Saturday, 10th January 2015 - 10:10am

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