The voices of New Zealand women are urgently needed for a first-ever world study of homophobia in sport, which closes on Monday. The study is open to everyone, regardless sexuality or whether they play sport. Fill it out here now Nearly 9,000 people have participated through a short online survey, but participation by women from New Zealand has been much lower than other countries. “We are thrilled with the overall response to this research around the world, but for some reason we’ve struggled with recruiting female participants, particularly from New Zealand, Canada and Ireland,” says Out on the Fields coordinator Erik Denison. The study is backed by researchers at six universities, the Bingham Cup, the Federation of Gay Games, The You Can Play Project and the Australian Sports Commission. “With such high level support for this study, it would be a real shame if we can’t include the views and experiences of women from New Zealand because of lack of participation. We only need 50 more women to take part. It only takes 10-15 minutes to complete the online survey," Denison says. "Our goal is to compare the results from the major English speaking countries and identify which country is doing the best job at addressing homophobia and where work still needs to be done around the world. The results will be used to motivate changes, where problems are identified.”
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 24th October 2014 - 9:08am