Senior Human Rights Specialist Jack Byrne is leaving the Human Rights Commission after nine years, and is thanking all those who have played a role in its work during his tenure. Jack Byrne in a UNAIDS video ‘Transgender Rights Are Human Rights’. He will contract full time sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex issues, initially by helping the UN Development Programme to develop a Trans Health Blueprint for Asia and the Pacific. “I wanted to thank all of those who played a role in the Commission’s Transgender Inquiry or the ongoing work to implement the Inquiry’s recommendations or advance human rights for broader LGBTI communities,” Byrne says as he moves on. Commissioner Richard Tankersley wil continue to lead the Commission’s work in the lgbti arena. Byrne says the main point of contact for any complaints or enquiries about discrimination based on sexual orientation, sex or gender identity is still the Commission’s Infoline on: or 0800 496877.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 16th October 2014 - 11:13am