Tue 30 Sep 2014 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
Su'a William Sio One of the few Labour MPs to vote against marriage equality has insinuated Grant Robertson’s personal life will have an impact on support from Pasifika Labour members. Socially conservative Mangere MP Su’a William Sio is backing David Cunliffe as Labour leader. “All leadership contenders will no doubt be under scrutiny by your good selves, as well as members of our Pacific community,” he told media, apparently in regards to gay leadership contender Grant Robertson. “And that includes personal as well as private 'characteristics',” he added, with emphasis on the word ‘characteristics’. There’s been media speculation in the media that Robertson’s sexuality will mean he won’t get support from Pasifika people and some unions. He says he wants to be judged on his ability, not his sexuality. Today, NBR’s Chris Keall points out that while “some people will have a problem with it”, Labour voters in South Auckland re-elected gay Labour MP and marriage equality champion Louisa Wall. A poll by Research New Zealand in 2011 that support for same-sex marriage was actually higher among Maori and Pasifika New Zealanders, than Pakeha people.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 30th September 2014 - 12:17pm