Sorry everybody, but we have to report that it's started again – Radio Live's John Tamihere is rabidly pushing his anti-gay barrow… and what follows is not pretty. Thank you to the numerous readers who brought some of these latest radio rants to our attention. TUESDAY 30 JANUARY 2007: We listen in on Willie Jackson and John Tamihere on their Radio Live afternoon show. A news story about the German boy who could become the world's youngest sex-change recipient (he was diagnosed as transsexual age ten, with his parents noticing effeminate behaviour from age two) prompts Tamihere to question how parents could have noticed such behaviour and if boy is old enough for the procedure. “Would people consider a sex change so readily if girl started acting boyishly?” he asks listeners. Some time later, Tamihere gets the caller he wants – someone 'deeply concerned' for the German boy's welfare. Seeing the opportunity, the radio host skips on to mention the UK church-based adoption agencies asking for exemption from new human rights laws regarding gay couples adopting children. Then he tells the story of a heterosexual couple he knows who are trying to adopt a baby after fostering through CYFS. A lesbian couple related to the baby was given care and guardianship. Tamihere expressed concern that the lesbian couple was able to cut across the parents with a proven record of care – and worried about the affects on the sexuality of the child if brought up by a gay couple. Co-host Willie Jackson said he believes heterosexual adoptions were preferable, but knows of lesbian couples bringing up children. Tamihere then stated his belief that the gay community would “organise children for themselves regardless of the law”, and criticised gay adoption as “part of wider agenda including anti-smacking legislation”. Callers in that hour of live radio were a mixed bag – one couldn't see how Jackson could support gay adoptions when he has wife and kids – to which Tamihere quipped, “That's just a cover!” Another said children of same-sex couples would be subject to bullying at school, regardless of how well intentioned their parents are. Gay adoptions are okay, believed a third caller, but a forth, who had adopted out their own son, said, “I'd never want him brought up by gays”. The last caller that hour was sure children should not be exposed to an “unnatural lifestyle” through adoption. Jackson was critical of the perception of gays as paedophiles, but Tamihere then interjected, “gay couples should adopt gang members instead”. Next hour, Jackson spoke out again as the voice of reason, saying he was in favour of gay adoption - as lesbian couples he knows make good parents. A caller disagreed, says a child which sees two men having sex “could grow up abnormal”, and that this would lead to more same-sex marriages. No mention of how a child would possibly come to see its parents having sex, of course, leaving the impression that gays are sexually rampant and likely to have sex in front of children. Next up, another caller against gay adoptions said children were “in danger from paedophiles” – as a number of Catholic priests were “prosecuted after molesting children”. One more caller stated: “gays and lesbians are giving up right to reproduce by wanting a same-sex partner, and now they want a family life”. The debate continued after a news bulletin, kicked off with a caller concerned at links being made between homosexuality and paedophilia. Another caller was concerned gay people are pushing for adoption when there are childless heterosexual couples unable to conceive. Tamihere commented that the “gay movement” was pushing the idea of adoptions as we apparently did civil unions, by saying there was a demand when statistics show otherwise. “Small groups are pushing for adoption when most gays mainly just want to get on with their lives,” he told listeners. The minds of children could be easily manipulated if same-sex couples adopt them, claimed another caller a few minutes later. “One motivation for gays wanting to adopt is that having children has become trendy.” Tamihere then expressed his much-repeated concern that old values around marriage are being eroded. An email from a gay man highlighted concern at gays being perceived as immoral and paedophiles - in response Tamihere said he doesn't think gays are immoral, but is against us adopting. A few minutes later, a caller praising a television documentary on adoption was concerned that involvement of gay parents would increase trauma for an adopted child. Tamihere agreed, saying a child adopted by same-sex couple could well be bullied at school. Another caller agreed with him, leading Jackson to interject, saying he believes gay parents he knows are setting good examples as parents. Many more callers debated the topic – one was critical of suggestion that gay couples would bring up gay children. In the final minutes of the show, Jackson criticised Tamihere for generalising about gay people. THURSDAY 1ST FEBRUARY 2007: A caller tells Tamihere and Jackson that he saw two men kissing when taking his children to swim at the tepid baths, and had to explain to his son that “such behaviour is not right”. The caller subsequently discovered that the local council rents pools to a gay group three times a week, and expressed concern that the Council was reluctant to discuss the matter with him. Tamihere's response was predictable: concern at “that sort of behaviour” when children were present. Phew! Well, as always, we want to know what you think, and get our message across to the radio hosts. As with any of our features, we invite you to comment using our message boards. If you want your voice heard on Tamihere and Jackson's Radio Live programme, the number to call the studio is 0800 723 465, weekday afternoons 12-3pm. Don't be deterred from calling if the subject of the day is not gay-related - it's the callers who set the agenda for talk radio, not the hosts. We would appreciate you letting us know if your call does, or does not make it to air, and how your comments are received - email Matt Akersten - 8th February 2007