Check out the video for lesbian musician Mary Lambert's Secrets. It’s about loving yourself unabashedly. The track is from her debut EP, Welcome to the Age of My Body, which also features her Same Love spin-off She Keeps Me Warm. The Seattle-based singer and writer grew up evangelical Christian, then came out aged 17, and her part of Same Love draws on this. Inspired by confessional folk singers and spoken-word poets, and Secrets has been gaining momentum on mainstream radio, which represents something of a departure for her solo work. Lyrically, Lambert says the song is about loving yourself unabashedly. “I felt like there were a lot of songs coming out about self-empowerment and challenging beauty standards, and I wanted to write a song along those same lines, but in my voice,” she explains. “It's easy to paint a pretty picture and tell everyone to love themselves, but it's way more complicated than that. There is so much shame and guilt in our society, and I think it has deprived a lot of people from living fully. We're all facing battles. We've all had someone who has hurt us. So let's talk about it. I believe vulnerability is what will save the world. I wanted to point the lens at myself in hopes of inspiring others to do the same. In short, this song is my dirty laundry, and that's actually really freeing.” Jacqui Stanford - 25th September 2014