Lucy Lawless is a Green Party supporter Anika Moa and Lucy Lawless will help the Green Party close its election campaign in Auckland this afternoon. They’ll be joined by musicians Jordan Luck and Julia Deans at the event, which will include a love song for New Zealand, at K’ Rd’s St Kevin’s Arcade from 1PM. Moa is one of New Zealand’s most high-profile lesbians, while Lawless is straight – but is a global lesbian icon for her role in Xena. The Green Party has also had the support of Norman’s sister-in-law, bisexual star Anna Paquin, in their campaign. Based on polling, the party is on track to return its two out MPs Kevin Hague and Jan Logie to Parliament. It also has two other queer candidates standing, Maddy Drew in Otaki and Robert Moore in Taranaki-King Country. The Green Party is among a minority which have a clear ‘rainbow’ policy, and is pledging full legal equality, safe environments in schools and other institutions and health services specific to our needs. It’s also promising to promote human rights for lgbti people around the world, and provide resources for community centres, support services, events and outreach programmes here in New Zealand. The party is proud of its record of MPs unanimously voting for lgbti rights.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 18th September 2014 - 10:28am