Tue 16 Sep 2014 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
Dr Peter Walker No plastic surgeons have stepped up to fill the shoes of the nation's only gender reassignment surgeon, who has retired. Peter Walker retired earlier this year after more than two decades of carrying out gender reassignment surgeries. He worked in a team of three, with a colorectal surgeon and urologist. He’s told New Zealand Doctor he canvassed all of the plastic surgeons in the country, in the hope there might be a younger doctor wanting to take up gender reassignment surgery, but none have expressed interest. Until a new surgical team is available, surgeries are to be carried out overseas - proponents of making this the status quo include trans group Agender, which says places like Thailand offer successful surgeries in world class hospitals with first rate staff and for less cost than the price Dr Walker charged the government. The Health Ministry funds four gender reassignment surgeries every two years, three MtF and one FtM - the latter is already carried out overseas. Since 2004, 12 government-funded surgeries have happened, and there are currently 61 people on the waiting list. Many New Zealanders, who have the means, fund their reassignment surgeries themselves, while a new trend is to seek crowdfunding support.Waiting for surgery? Had it overseas? We're always interested in sharing your story. Email news@gaynz.com
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 16th September 2014 - 12:15pm