Jan Logie and Kevin Hague Full legal equality, safe environments in schools and other institutions and health services specific to our needs are three of the planks of the Green Party’s rainbow policy. The party is also promising to promote human rights for lgbti people around the world, and provide resources for community centres, support services, events and outreach programmes here in New Zealand. The policies come in a ‘Love Rainbow Aotearoa’ pamphlet which is being distributed across the country. “We know our country needs a lot of love,” the party’s gay MPs Jan Logie and Kevin Hague say. “Our rainbow communities know what an unfair society means, but we can make things better right now. “The Green Party has the best rainbow policy and we have shown that we are prepared to do the hard work to get things done, not just say the right things.” Read more here
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Sunday, 14th September 2014 - 10:16am