A party riddled with homophobic candidates has neared the five per cent threshold in a new poll, just weeks out from the election. It's at 4.6 per cent in the TV3/Reid Research poll. While the full details won’t be out until tonight, 3 News has confirmed the party is on 4.6 per cent in its latest poll after the Conservative Party and one of its candidates posted the information on social media today. The party is led and mostly funded by Colin Craig, who believes gay people are not normal. Third on its list is Garth McVicar, who thinks gay people getting married will increase the crime rate. Fifth is Edward Saafi who against same-sex marriage, saying it “rubbed [Pasifika] people up the wrong way”. Other candidates include Steve Taylor who accused the New Zealand lgbti community of being a “gay Taliban” and Gordon Copeland who compared marriage equality to South African apartheid. Before the latest reading, the Conservative Party sat at 2.1 per cent in Pundit’s “poll of polls” which collates information from five polling sources: One News/Colmar Brunton, TV3/Reid Research, Fairfax / Research International, Roy Morgan, and NZ Herald/Digipoll.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 27th August 2014 - 1:55pm