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Akl Uni to host lgbti pre-election forum

Thu 21 Aug 2014 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback

Kevin Hague and Jamie Whyte have confirmed they will take part An Auckland lgbti pre-election forum will be held next Thursday as part of Auckland University's Pride Week. Green MP Kevin Hague and ACT Leader Jamie Whyte have confirmed they will attend. Update: Kelly Ellis from Labour and Miriam Pierard from Internet Mana will also take part. It’s one of few forums looking particularly at lgbti issues that will be held before the 20 September election. Rainbow Wellington hosted its event last month, while wide-ranging issues were discussed at the Auckland Lesbian Business Association’s panel. The Gay Auckland Business Association (GABA) has traditionally held one, but with the election just under a month away, no such forum has been planned this time around. When asked why at GABA’s AGM last night, outgoing President Skot Barnett told Daily News "We've lost some events people this year" and "we had to decide how many events we could actually do". However Barnett says GABA is hoping to partner with another group to run a forum, with details not yet nailed down. Kevin Hague says such forums are important. “Our community has a vital interest in the outcome of this election. So we need to be encouraging our community to get engaged with these issues. Keep those who are not enrolled, enrolled, and those who are enrolled voting.” AUSA Pre-election Forum 28 August, 7.30PM HSB1 University of Auckland    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Thursday, 21st August 2014 - 3:39pm

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