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Uganda: homophobes push for fresh law

Wed 6 Aug 2014 In: International News View at NDHA

File Photo A push is already underway to restore Uganda’s anti-gay law. The Anti-Homosexuality Act was declared null and void last week when the Ugandan Constitutional Court rules it was passed without proper process. A group of Ugandan MPs are now attempting to force an urgent vote to restore it. Buzzfeed says a group of MPs have launched a petition calling for a vote on the bill. While they have to start from scratch, hideously homophobic MP David Bahati says the rules could be flouted in an emergency. “Any bill will pass through the procedure, and by the rules of procedure we will follow them and we will pass it. “We can suspend any of the rules if we think it is important. “Whether it’s tomorrow or a week or a month, we will take whatever time is required to make sure that the future of our children is protected, the family is protected, and the sovereignty nation of the protected. “The issues of technicalities is not a big deal to anybody. But the big deal … is that homosexuality is not a human right here in Uganda.” The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda Stanley Ntagali says the court’s decision was a disappointment, and that Parliament should rush to restore the law.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Wednesday, 6th August 2014 - 11:13am

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