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Watch: Ian Thorpe - "I'm not straight"

Mon 14 Jul 2014 In: True Stories View at Wayback View at NDHA

Aussie Olympic swimming champion Ian Thorpe has spoken about being gay for the first time, telling Sir Michael Parkinson “I’ve thought about this for a long time. I’m not straight. I’m comfortable saying that I’m a gay man.” He said: “This is something that only recently, in the last two weeks, I’ve been comfortable telling the closest people around me.” After repeated denying rumours he was gay, Thorpe says the revelation has taken so long because: “I felt the lie had become so big that I didn’t want people to question my integrity. “I’ve held this is such a weight. There’s so much pain in this. If I wasn’t asked about it, I feel I would’ve been much younger getting comfortable about this.” Watch the video below: - 14th July 2014


First published: Monday, 14th July 2014 - 2:41pm

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