Yes and No: Key will attend, Cunliffe has other priorities. John Key will be interviewed at a ‘Forum on the Family’ run by conservative groups on Friday, however Labour leader David Cunliffe has declined the invitation as he has ‘other priorities’. The Prime Minister will be questioned, in front of the forum by Family First's Bob McCoskrie, on issues including marriage equality and sex education. Family First was one of the most vocal groups against the marriage equality legislation which passed last year. New Zealand First leader Winston Peters and the Conservative Party’s Colin Craig will also take part in the forum. David Cunliffe was invited, but a spokesman says the Labour leader “is invited to a lot of events and can’t attend all of them". He says "there were other priorities for him on this day". Labour's General Congress begins on Friday with sector meetings. Both Key and Cunliffe voted in favour of marriage equality and both also attended this year's Big Gay Out. Cunliffe was also in the Auckland Pride Parade. Euthanasia, abortion and smacking are among the other issues on the agenda at the Auckland event.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 2nd July 2014 - 12:42pm