Thu 22 May 2014 In: Our Communities View at Wayback View at NDHA
Hamish and Sarah from Pleasant Point talk about what it was like growing up gay and lesbian in rural South Canterbury. It’s part of the I’m Local project, which aims to reach out to lgbtiq youth in rural areas. Its creator RainbowYOUTH says personal experiences of lgbtiq people who have grown up in rural areas have made it abundantly clear they are severely lacking in support, education and visibility. The project will focus on organisations where rural youth may spend their time, such as schools, libraries, medical centres and mārae, with RainbowYOUTH offering to provide free information, resources and posters to be displayed. It will raise awareness of sexuality and gender diversity in rural communities, provide accessible, factual and affirming guidance on sexuality and gender diversity, and direct locals to explore the video testimonials from other queer and trans rural people via the I’m Local YouTube campaign. For more information visit the project's website here Jacqui Stanford - 22nd May 2014