Jan Logie Allyson Hamblett offers an update on a community meeting with Green MP Jan Logie, which may lead to a ‘Green Rainbow’ group being set up. On Saturday 17 Jan Logie met with the rainbow community at the Green Party office in Mercury Lane, off K Rd. Kevin Hague was unable to be there. It was a great meeting. Many there thought that the Greens presented a real alternative to other political parties. Although it was to look at Rainbow policy we all expressed concern with wider concerns about inequality. There was a focus on transgender issues that need to be addressed, including Louisa Wall’s supplementary order paper to clarify the Human Rights Act in terms of gender identity and the proposed bill to make it easier for trans people to update their birth certificate information. The issue of an international response to legal recognition of acquired gender was made when difficulties of changing an Australian passport was raised. Jan talked about her work on rainbow issues internationally, and reminded us of the cross party support that occurs in NZ when international human rights are infringed. There was a sense that this was an initial meeting that needed to continue to help in the build up to the General Election, and beyond. A Green Rainbow group could be set up via Facebook but face to face meetings as well. This group could help influence and guide the Green Party on shaping policy into the future. It was a great evening of discussion, hoping that I have found a way to contribute to the Green Party. Allyson Hamblett - 20th May 2014