A still from the film A video endorsed by Catholic leaders in New Zealand tells gay people they need to be celibate if they want to be Catholic. The Third Way, billed as the church's new approach to homosexuality, tells fellow Catholics not to hate those living with same-sex attraction, or SSA, but not to affirm their activities either. If gay people choose to be Catholic, the documentary says, they need to stop leading a "gay lifestyle", and practise chastity. Auckland Bishop Patrick Dunn is quoted in the Catholic News Agency saying he plans to use the film in New Zealand. "I'm very conscious of the need to be loving and respectful towards gay members of our congregations, and to provide whatever support they need spiritually. I think [the film] presents quite well the church's view on sexuality. I think it shows we need to treat gay people with respect, and not as monsters." Read more from the Sunday Star Times hereYou can watch The Third Way below
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Sunday, 18th May 2014 - 9:02am