File Photo A draft proposal on the blessing and ordination of people in same-sex relationships is scheduled to be voted on at the Anglican General Synod in Waitangi today. Debate on the issue has continued into a third day. Anglican Taonga reports most of the discussion has been held in closed committee, which means details of the progress being made are not being reported. Those gathered in Waitangi have also been asked to refrain from posting details on social media. A Commission led by former Governor General Sir Anand Satyanand had put forward ten options for the church to consider. They range from blessing and ordaining people in same-sex relationships through to splitting or ending the denomination over the issue. The report, which was a long time coming, also put up the option of leaving a final decision for two more years so all the ideas can be discussed further. In presenting the report, Sir Anand said “the way is clear for a decision to be made.” Prayer vigils have been held by people on both sides of the debate, while a petition signed by nearly 800 people urging the Church to be welcoming was put forward on Monday.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 14th May 2014 - 8:13am