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Exgay, Exscience, Exrelevant?

Sun 3 Dec 2006 In: Comment

I did wait until I was out of the bookshop to break into laughter at this chicanery from the fundies. Given that Haggardgate has just broken within the United States, it wasn't a promising time to appear, and moreover, Exodus Auckland is the only New Zealand exgay group left, so it's hardly relevant to our country, which is almost at the point of full practical equality, once we get remaining (uncontested) relationship reforms and adoption law changes out of the way. Exgays tend to be elderly or late middle aged blokes, or brought up fundamentalist, and having a hard time breaking away from it, which does raise some sobering questions about ageism and social exclusion in gay male communities. Lesbians tend to age much better than we do, which is probably why there are so few exlesbians compared to exgays. However, one hasbian has complained that her estranged mum is distorting her breakup with her former lover and her impending marriage to a man. Anne Heche is Ellen DeGeneres' ex, and her mum, Nancy Heche, is a Pentecostal and psychotherapist. Anne isn't, and has loudly objected to mummy dearest's distortion of her sexuality and romanticisation of straightness. Given that Nancy's own ex turned out to be a gay man, she has some nerve calling her book "The Truth Came Out." Yeah, Nancy, and ignorance is strength. Unfortunately, New Zealanders are involved in this ridiculous posturing as well. Given the tragic death of one 'ex-lesbian' last year, they have no sense of shame promoting their poison here. Note, however, that Briar Whitehead's "Craving for Love" is a reprint, originating from Monarch Books in the United Kingdom. And that her husband Neil's alleged 'debunking' of the gay gene theory was published by Christian conspiracy theorist imprint Huntington House, as opposed to a reputable academic publisher. And that it cites Paul Cameron as a reliable source when it comes to matters antigay. Speaking of unreliable sources, at least Briar cites pseudoscience. The same can't be said for the Bishop of Bling, Brian Tamaki, whose vanity biography was published by his vanity press, Tamaki Publishing, within his vanity "bookshop," Proton. It's full of Pentecostal gobbledegook. It delivers personal attacks on Tim Barnett, Georgina Beyer, the AIDS Foundation, mainstream churches, TVNZ (for dumping Destiny Television), the Labour Party and the Civil Union Bill. Gay men are full of the 'spirit of perversion' (42 Below?) and Tamaki cast out a demon from a strapping six foot bloke at one church meeting. Destiny New Zealand's electoral failure last year is almost completely ignored. Borrow it from your library. On no account buy it, and complain if you see it in a mainstream bookshop. Finally, we come to "Ministering Graciously to Lesbians and Gay Men." Hah. They seem incapable of citing mainstream evidence-based data or relying on mainstream peer reviewed academic journals when it comes to providing their flimsy pseudoscientific 'excuses', so I'm afraid I'm not convinced when it comes to pastoral care. And why are all of these books written by Pentecostal fundamentalist authors? There's the old predictable confusion of gender and sexuality too. If a girl shows the slightest bit of interest in building her own treehouse or go-kart, and if a boy likes ballet or opera, then we all know what 'that' means. Yes, they're hung up on squashing female individuality and independence, primarily. Why do they import this nonsense? Does anyone else actually read them these days, apart from community watchdogs within our own community? Not Recommended: Nancy Heche: The Truth Comes Out: Ventura, California: Regal Books: 2006. Brian Williams: Ministering Graciously to Gay Men and Lesbians: Schippenburg, Pennsylvania: Destiny Image: 2005. Brian Tamaki: More Than Meets the Eye: A Biography of Bishop Brian Tamaki: Auckland: Tamaki Publications: 2006. Briar Whitehead: Craving for Love: Monarch: Tunbridge Wells: 2005. Definitely Not Recommended: Neil and Briar Whitehead: My Genes Made Me Do It!: Lafayette: Huntington House: 1993. Craig Young - 3rd December 2006    

Credit: Craig Young

First published: Sunday, 3rd December 2006 - 12:00pm

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