Richard Branson Virgin CEO Richard Branson has announced no employees of his company with stay in hotels owned by the Sultan of Brunei due to the nation’s plan to bring in archaic laws which would, among other things, see people stoned to death for having gay sex. Branson is the latest high-profile person to stand up against Brunei’s progressive introduction of Sharia law - Ellen DeGeneres and Stephen Fry are others who say they will boycott the Sultan’s Dorchester Hotel Group. “No Virgin employee, nor our family, will stay at Dorchester Hotels until the Sultan abides by basic human rights,” Branson has tweeted. Brunei has begun a three year process of implementing Islamic Sharia laws. The new penal code brings in ancient penalties for 'theft, illicit sexual relations, making unproven accusations of illicit sex, causing physical hurt, drinking intoxicants, apostasy, and acts contrary to Islamic beliefs.'
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Sunday, 4th May 2014 - 10:52am