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No locusts, just love

Fri 18 Apr 2014 In: Our Communities View at NDHA

Conrad Reyners of the Campaign for Marriage Equality Conrad Reyners of the Campaign for Marriage Equality Activist is finding it hard to believe that it has now been a year since the triumphal moment when, against a background of religious and other objections, Parliament agreed same-sex couples should be able to marry in New Zealand. "The year has flown by and the sky hasn't fallen in, plagues of locusts haven't descended, but we've had a year of equal love and commitment," he says. "I'm really proud of that." His favourite moment from the third reading day, aside from MPs and the gallery singing Pokarekareana in the Debating Chamber "would have to have been thanking all of the supporters and activists in the Grand Hall after the final debate. The campaign wasn't easy but I was proud of how well organised it was. We all achieved something amazing together, and it was a really special moment to join with groups of people from across the country to say thanks and to celebrate. Despite the claims of godly revenge and breakdown of society dredged up in opposition to the Marriage Equality Bill the world obviously hasn’t ended, the predictions of doom haven’t come true. "Aside from the obviously non-nonsensical objections, locusts and the like - the best thing that hasn't come true have been the claims that religious communities would be undermined," Reyners says. "They haven't been. They are as free as they were a year ago to officiate and celebrate marriages in their own unique and important way." Have he been to many weddings since last August? "Yes! And many of them were for straight friends of mine who refused to marry until everyone could, which I really respected. I've also been the official witness for two marriage ceremonies, which was a special privilege and a real honour." And as for celebrating the completion of a year since Parliament said "yes", Reyners is currently overseas," but I'll snapchat my special someone a reminder. And then maybe toast a glass of champagne to everyone. Daily News staff - 18th April 2014    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Friday, 18th April 2014 - 10:15am

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