Reverend Michael Hughes A document released by the Anglican Church contains 10 options, from blessing and ordaining people in same-sex relationships through to splitting or ending the denomination over the issue. The options range from sticking with the traditional view that only a man and a woman should be in a sexual relationship, to adopting a new understanding that God's love extends to everyone, straight or gay, or adding a new rite of blessing for people in gay relationships. The most dramatic suggestion is an agreement that the different views within the church are irreconcilable, which the report says "would mean the end of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia as it is presently known." The report, which has been a long time coming, also puts up the option of leaving a final decision for two more years so all the ideas can be discussed. General Secretary of the Church, Reverend Michael Hughes, says it would be wrong to see the document as stating any conclusion, recommendation or position. “This is a valuable resource with an analysis and critique of a wide spectrum of church views that now becomes part of the Church’s conversations and deliberations for our General Synod – Te Hinota Whanui next month." The Church will not comment further until the Synod which will be held from May 10-16. The Commission was chaired by former Governor General Sir Anand Satyanand. In all, 199 submissions were received. You can read its full report here:
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 4th April 2014 - 4:26pm