YouTube has removed the R18 age restriction from Love Your Condom’s ‘gay first kiss’ video, admitting it was an error. The site had put a 'content warning' up, saying the video "may be inappropriate for some users", which meant viewers had to log in and say they were over 18. Google, which owns YouTube, says it has reviewed the video and removed the age restriction. "With the massive volume of videos on our site, sometimes we make mistakes,” a Google spokesperson says in a statement to Daily News. “When an error is brought to our attention we act quickly to resolve the issue in question." The clip from the New Zealand AIDS Foundation’s safe-sex promotion arm has received more than 160,000 hits. The video was inspired by the viral ‘stranger kiss’ video, with creator and LYC social media whiz Trak Gray saying: “We just want people to feel really awesome about being romantic with other guys.”
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 3rd April 2014 - 1:28pm