Brendan Eich Open source company Mozilla has released a statement saying it’s pro-diversity following the appointment of a CEO who made a donation to California’s anti marriage equality campaign. Brendan Eich, who is the inventor of JavaScript, and co-founder of Mozilla, has been made its CEO. He made a US$1,000 donation backing Proposition 8 in 2008. That’s led gay developer Hampton Catlin, who created Wikipedia Mobile, CSS extension language Sass, and is CEO of rarebit, to pledge he will no longer develop apps for Mozilla’s browser Firefox. "As a gay couple who were unable to get married in California until recently, we morally cannot support a Foundation that would not only leave someone with hateful views in power, but will give them a promotion and put them in charge of the entire organisation," he says. Mozilla has released a statement saying it’s “deeply committed to honouring diversity in sexual orientation and beliefs within our staff and community, across all the project’s activities”. It cites its equal health benefit policies as an example of this."For those who choose life insurance, voluntary spouse coverage extends to domestic partners, including same-sex couples." It continues: “With thousands of people spanning many countries and cultures, diversity is core to who we are, and we’re united in our mission to keep the web open and accessible for everyone."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 27th March 2014 - 3:53pm