Colin Craig Conservative Party leader Colin Craig is threatening to take legal action over a comment made by Greens leader Russel Norman at the Big Gay Out just over a week ago. Speaking from the BGO main stage as one of a series of political leaders to address the estimated 15,000-strong glbti crowd, Norman accused Craig of thinking that "a woman's place is in the kitchen and a gay man's place is in the closet." Craig, who has repeatedly tried to distance his conservative Christian beliefs from his conservative political stance, has historically objected to equal rights for glbti people, and was a vocal opponent of the Marriage Equality bill. Russel Norman In a letter to the Greens, Craig's lawyers say Norman's comment has crossed the line of acceptability, even in an election year. They claim the comments are untrue and therefore defamatory and they are demanding a retraction. Norman says he is standing by his comment and in a press release issued this afternoon says "Colin Craig has said that gay relationships aren't normal and that New Zealand women are promiscuous, I think those views are offensive. I and the Green Party are proud of our record of fighting for rights and freedoms for New Zealand women and the gay community. I think our position on these issues and Colin Craig's are very different." "It is clear to all," Norman adds, "that my statements were made within the context of political speeches, at the beginning of an election year."Prime Minister John Key has commented from the sidelines that he hopes Craig has "lots of lawyers" ready if he is elected to Parliament in the forthcoming general election.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 17th February 2014 - 8:48pm