Louisa Wall Marriage equality champion Louisa Wall has launched a crusade for protection from discrimination based on gender identity to be included in the Human Rights Act. Transgender rights advocates and the Human Rights Commission have been crying out for it to be specifically included for years. However there has never been movement due to a Crown Law opinion that gender identity is covered under sex. However, it has never been tested. Rainbow Labour MP Louisa Wall has now written to Justice Minister Judith Collins asking her to agree to add gender identity as a prohibited ground, should the Human Rights Act be amended this year. She points out the Crown Law opinion is 'extra-judicial'. “And while it may act as a guide to some judges, there is no guarantee [the relevant section] in its current form will be interpreted as including gender identity.” Wall continues: “Specific reference will clarify the position and provide greater certainty that people will not be discriminated against on the grounds of gender identity.”
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 12th February 2014 - 12:54pm