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Blenheim pair upset after porn vid leaked

Tue 11 Feb 2014 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback

File Photo Two Blenheim women have complained to police after a 90 minute sex tape they made was leaked online. The video of the women, who are believed to be aged in their late teens and early 20s, was circulated on Facebook last week. It’s reported to have shot with a webcam in a bedroom. While it was taken down from the initial website it appeared on, it was quickly reposted. The women have complained to police about the unwanted attention they have since received. They are attempting to take legal action and are seeking psychological help. Police have told Radio New Zealand it appears they were hoping to sell it overseas, but it was inadvertently put online.     

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Tuesday, 11th February 2014 - 3:37pm

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