Two former partners from Wellington have banded together to take on the challenge of Masterchef New Zealand. The latest edition of the cooking reality show has contestants in pairs. Among the sets of contestants who have made it through to the Top 15 are Elizabeth Marshall and Jennifer Clark. Marshall is back bolstered by her ex-partner after missing out last year. “Who would have thought, after we broke up that we’d do something like this together?” they asked, before serving their effort up to the judges. The flavours in their Cream of Spinach Spaetzle and Bourbon Chocolate Cake were strong enough to get them through to the competition. While their presentation was panned, and judge Josh Emett was not impressed at all, his cohorts Simon Gault and Ray McVinnie raved about their food. Gault said the Spaetzle was “banging with flavour” while McVinnie said their dessert was “rub it all over your body kind of stuff”. Marshall and Clark think being exes may actually be advantageous in the competition and are warning their opponents they are taking Masterchef very seriously. MasterChef New Zealand is on Sundays and Mondays at 7.30PM on TV One. Watch the first episode on demand here
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 3rd February 2014 - 11:10am