Rawa Karetai from Rainbow Wellington (picture: GayNZ.com) Rainbow Wellington is congratulating Parliament on unanimously backing a message of support to Russia’s gay community ahead of the Sochi Olympics. The House has formally wished New Zealand athletes in Sochi well, while also noting the passage of anti-gay legislation in Russia. “And ask the New Zealand Government to urge other governments and the winter Olympics Organising Committee to protect the rights of all people in Russia, regardless of their sexual orientation,” the motion from Green MP Jan Logie read. It was unanimously passed on the final day Parliament will sit before the Winter Olympics begin next week. Rainbow Wellington Chair Rawa Karetai has told GayNZ.com Daily News the glbti lobby group is extremely proud of the action. “It's a huge victory for all of the effort Rainbow Wellington and other lgbti community Organisations have done to make Sochi a real issue for the MPs,” he says. “Rainbow Wellington has recently been working with sporting organisations to include lgbti-friendly, inclusive policies and with the support and leadership from Parliament and the motion they came out today, I'm sure we will succeed to help support all lgbti people in sport.” Karetai has revealed the group will also help host a "Pride House" in Wellington during the 2014 Winter Olympics to promote the cause of equality in and by sport. “This year we will also try and highlight the growing concern and show solidarity for those impacted by the recent legislations passed in Russia.”
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 30th January 2014 - 5:06pm