Queer Film Festival Out Takes is hosting an opening-day screening of Palme d’Or winning French lesbian film Blue is the Warmest Colour in Wellington next month, while there will be a special Valentine’s Day screening as part of Auckland Pride Festival. The divisive French drama has won critics over, while also provoking public controversy due to the extensive and explicit lesbian sex scenes it contains. The team who run Out Takes, Reel Queer, are holding a Wellington screening of Blue is the Warmest Colour on Thursday 13 February at Penthouse Cinema, at 7.45PM. Tickets are $20, including a drink, and can be purchased by emailing info@outtakes.org.nz The screening is a fundraiser for Reel Queer’s fund for supporting New Zealand lesbian filmmakers at Out Takes, as part of its initiatives to foster more local filmmaking. In Auckland, Academy Cinemas will screen the flick on Valentine’s Day as part of Auckland Pride Festival. You can buy tickets here Blue is the Warmest Colour opens in New Zealand theatres on Thursday 13 February and GayNZ.com will soon be giving away tickets – keep an eye on our competitions page.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 27th January 2014 - 10:54am