Scott Thorston was portrayed by Matt Damon in Behind the Candelabra Liberace’s infamous former lover Scott Thorson is facing up to 20 years in jail after repeatedly failing drug tests while on probation. The 54-year-old’s memoir of his five years with Liberace was brought the screen in the star-studded film Behind the Candelabra last year. Thorston’s long-running drug issues have led to him being sentenced to eight to 20 years in a Nevada jail after failing a series of drug tests while on probation for burglary and identity theft convictions. He was originally given a suspended sentence, and a second chance in September when he tested positive for methamphetamine. He begged for another chance, saying “I can’t help who I am. I’m in show business. I attract these cameras”. However the judge wasn’t impressed, saying “You’re just like any other addict who has committed a crime against a victim.”
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 25th January 2014 - 10:13am