Ali Mau Broadcaster Ali Mau will host the flashy official opening event of the Auckland Pride Festival, the Pride Gala. The new Radio Live host has previously hosted the GABA Charity Auction and been a head judge for Queen of the Whole Universe, where she came out as bisexual for the first time publicly. She will now be the host of the Pride Gala, a black tie event at Q Theatre on Friday 7 February will feature vignettes from a range of performers who will be in the Auckland Pride Festival. Coordinator Lexie Matheson says the overall structure will be similar to 2013's gala, but the tone and style will be different, as will most of the works. "We're not revisiting any of the 2013 content so the overall emotional impact will be different too, but we are reprising a couple of popular artists from 2013 who have exciting new material," she says. "We're theming around the idea of ‘the wicked game' which takes us into a new and vivid area and the works, in the main, reflect the theme. And we have a few shocks and surprises," Matheson hints. Among those who will be part of the show are dancers In Flagrante and Dust Palace, performer Mika, musicians Charlotte Yates and Edwina Thorne and choir GALS. There will also be showcases of theatre pieces such as Sam Brooks' Queen, The Legacy Project, Songs for Guy and Teen Faggots Come to Life. "It'll be a naughty night – and of course, I'm not giving it all away," Matheson says. Read our full feature with Lexie here
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 17th January 2014 - 3:57pm