Mika has announced a packed Waitangi Day which will include two spectacles, including the return of Aroha Mardi Gras. The performer and mentor for up and coming artists will lead a show at Okahu Bay for the Maori Dawn Ceremony. Later in the evening Aroha Mardi Gras will be at Legend, featuring Zakk d’Larte, Identity from New Zealand’s Got Talent, Teen Faggot with Jaycee Tanuvasa, Ashley Tonga from X Factor, and others who will be announced in January. MAORI DAWN CEREMONY: Okahu Bay, Orakei – from 6:00am onwards for a 6.42am sunrise. Free – suitable for all ages. AROHA MARDI GRAS: Legend, 7pm. Tickets $15. Book here
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 28th December 2013 - 8:44am