Imran Khan Indian Bollywood star Imran Khan has taken a stand against his nation’s re-criminalisation of gay sex in an online video were he answers ignorant questions about gay people. He sarcastically says you can make people ‘un-gay’ by flicking a switch on the back of their necks. Other ‘stupid’ questions he tackles with wit are whether AIDS was invented by gay people and whether he is himself gay as he supports gay rights. To the latter he responds that he must also be a dolphin because he supports the ethical treatment of animals, and that he must also be a tree because he supports environmental causes. The video is just the first of a series. Khan told the Hindustan Times that he had no hesitations about being a prominent straight ally in the fight for lgbti rights in India. “‘The scenario in this country is disheartening and depressing. These are basic human rights that people are being denied of - they’re no minority. “The idea of this initiative is to show those who do not support homosexuality how ridiculous their thinking is … We will take all the prejudices and amplify them until people realize that what they’re doing is wrong. This has become a cultural and moral issue, but morals are subjective. They are opinions, not facts. Sadly, in this country, laws are based on morality and not legality.” Watch the video below
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 28th December 2013 - 8:12am