Click here for the free condom map Recognising that Christmas cheer, stresses and holiday spirits can erode people's commitment to safe sex, the NZ AIDS Foundation is reminding gay and bi men to ensure they have condoms and lube on hand and that free supplies are available around the country. Traditionally many gay men travel at holiday time, either overseas or domestically, and for those whom sexual encounters are part of the festive season's attractions a sense of adventure or release from day to day routine can lead to a lowered use of condoms for anal sex. Condoms are still considered by public health experts such as the NZAF as being the best way of avoiding contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. “The summer holidays really are a time of celebration and letting your hair down”, says Shaun Robinson, Executive Director of the NZAF. “While you’re enjoying the break and the many festivities of the season make sure you’re looking after yourself and one another. Always keeps some condom and lube packs handy." For those men who are embarking on their break without the vital supplies, "and if you get caught without," Robinson says, the NZAF is reminding gay and bi men there are almost a hundred places around the country where condoms and lube are available free (click map above). Although New Zealand has a relatively low incidence of HIV infection it is concentrated amongst gay and bi men, with over 85% of those battling the infection for the rest of their lives being men who have sex with men.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 24th December 2013 - 7:49am