The Gay Auckland Business Association’s charitable wing is calling for applications from people needing cash to run an event during Auckland Pride, or help covering costs for a Pride Parade float. The funding announcement follows the success of the GABA Charitable Trust’s auction in October. It raised just over $40,000. Application forms are available here and must be returned by 8 December. The grant recipients will be announced on 16 December. The Auckland Pride Festival Grants process is separate from the GABA Community Grants, which will be opened in early 2014. In 2013 it supported a range of shows, including Samuel Holloway’s After Lilburn and Queerlesque. The Trust also helped with the costs of floats for Body Positive, the Charlotte Museum Trust, Dot’s Family, the Campaign for Marriage Equality and Outline, among others.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 26th November 2013 - 9:13am