The Exclusive Brethren are trying to hijack another election- but this time, it's across the Tasman, during preparations for Victoria's state election. Refreshingly, the Melbourne Age reported that Victorian National leader Peter Ryan met with Exclusive Brethren representatives, but turned down any direct financial assistance, except that he will welcome advertising assistance from the shadowy sect. Unfortunately for the New Zealand National Party, the Exclusive Brethren's sudden Victorian escapade has happened at exactly the wrong time, when it is trying to trivialise its own involvement with the cult in question. The Age has run the story arc for the last four days. On Thursday, another suspicious sign of centre-right linkage to the Exclusive Brethren emerged when The Age contacted Australia's federal Industrial Relations Commission confirmed that it has only been Exclusive Brethren employers who have asked for exemption from industrial relations regulations about union representation within their businesses. Quite understandably, the Australian Greens are furious about this. As with the New Zealand Government, the Victorian and Australian Greens are calling for vigorous campaign finance reform to monitor such cases of "buying influence." Gay Green federal leader Senator Bob Brown held a meeting with Exclusive Brethren members who communicated that they opposed legal recognition of lesbian/gay relationships, and representatives still try to maintain that it is 'individuals' that are attacking centre-left political parties, and that this is not a co-ordinated organisational strategy. Sure it isn't. Meanwhile, there are signs that not only is the government aware of this new development, judging from a Scoop media release from Labour strategist Pete Hodgson, but also intends to hammer home the lesson. The Independent Financial Review probably speaks for many members of the New Zealand business community in its latest editorial, in which it calls for the resignation of the current Leader of the Opposition. If it wasn't for his political naivety, the Opposition wouldn't be mired in a scandal of its own creation. If one must sup with fringe religious sect leaders, be sure to use a long spoon... Essential Reading: "Religious Sect in Run-Up to Poll" (18 September 2006) "Nationals turn down Brethren cash" (19 September 2006) "Guards, Believers, Denials: The Brethren Uncovered" (20 September 2006) "Sect's Special Treatment Puts Unions Out of Business (21 September 2006). "The Day the Senator Met the Brethren" (21 September 2006) Pete Hodgson's statement about Victorian state election interference. Utterly Repulsive: Ian Wishart's anti-Labour blog Craig Young - 21st September 2006