The PM's comments were based on the NZ wedding of Ralph Molesi and Will Brobbel, which screened on Tagata Pasifika. The group Tagata Pasifika for Marriage Equality is saddened at the Samoan Prime Minister’s bitter comments about a gay Samoan man’s wedding in New Zealand. While he has in the past praised fa'afafine as “glorious miracles”, Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sa'ilele Malielegaoi believes men marrying is “inappropriate” and “upside down." Jonathan Selu from Tagata Pasifika for Marriage Equality says this is sad, as it implies homosexuality is not acceptable in the fa'aSamoa. He says while the nation is strong on Christian values and believes, it doesn’t mean there should be marginalisation and demonisation of something that is not a choice. “I believe that Samoa has a long way to go before homosexuality is accepted in the country but I still think that our politicians and leaders should be more aware of how impacting their opinions can be for the people that they lead,” Selu says. Read his full comments in the feature "Love" is what's important here
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 21st November 2013 - 10:39am