Richard Hills John Key’s moves to snuggle up with Colin Craig have prompted an appeal for glbti New Zealanders to ensure they have their say in next year’s election. Key has made it clear he would work with the Conservative Party leader, who believes being gay is a choice and abnormal, if it meant he would stay in power. “It’s crucial we get everyone we know to enrol and vote next year,” says Rainbow Labour member and Kaipatiki local board representative Richard Hills. “Not only will a Labour-led government bring us a fairer more equal New Zealand with progressive policy on sex and sexuality education and health care, adoption reform, action on bullying in schools and transgender rights,” he says. “We also need to fight to prevent the dangerous conservative attitudes and polices from Colin Craig now it's clear John Key is keen to cosy up to him and his dangerous ideals, we don't need this to take New Zealand back in time and hurt our communities."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 12th November 2013 - 10:31am