File photo Australia’s first-ever marriage equality legislation has passed in the ACT. Its Parliament voted eight to seven in favour, leading the public gallery to break out in Love is in the Air. It means gay couples from across Australia will be able to marry in ACT by the end of this year. Deputy director of Australian Marriage Equality Ivan Hinton say it’s a day many Australians have waited for. "This law with strengthen same-sex couples and their families, and will be welcomed by all Australians who support fairness and family." Tony Abbott's government is already planning to challenge the constitutionality of the bill in the High Court. Hinton says the vote should send a message to the federal government and state governments that loving and committed same-sex couples want to get married and want to uphold its values and responsibilities" He says the threat of a high court challenge has not deterred anyone's wedding plans. "The couples, like many constitutional experts, have confidence in the legislation and will demonstrate that confidence by thousands of same-sex weddings expected over the coming months." Legislation is expected to be re-visited in the Tasmanina Upper House shortly, and soon to be introduced in the NSW Upper House.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 23rd October 2013 - 9:15am