Following the introduction to the ACT legislative Assembly to a standing ovation from the public gallery yesterday new anti-gay marriage Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has already asked for legal advice on the bill. The ACT government says same-sex couples are likely to be able to be married in the territory, which is essentially the capital, Canberra, by the end of the year. Abbott campaigned against marriage equality in the recent general election. "Under the constitution the Commonwealth has responsibility for marriage and the Attorney-General will be seeking advice on precisely how far the ACT can go on this," Abbott says. But the ACT Attorney-General says he has very clear legal advice that the ACT law can work in conjunction with the Commonwealth Marriage Act. "The Commonwealth Marriage Act is designed to recognise marriage between men and women," he said. "Our act is an act designed to recognise marriage between people of the same sex."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 20th September 2013 - 12:24pm