df-0323 When Wellington gay and HIV rights activist - and party boy par excellence - Daniel Fielding died in 2005 he left behind a treasure trove of photos taken at private and public events. It's a remarkable record of a fascinating period in Wellington gay history but unfortunately, and surprisingly for the usually meticulous Fielding (in camo shirt above), few if any of the details of the photos were recorded. Who are these people? Where was the photo taken? When and what was the event? Fielding's close friend David Robertson now has the photos but before they are handed on to an archive he wants to attach as much information as possible to each image. Many of the photos go back as far as the 1970s so some of the people in the photos have already passed on or have faded from public view. Can you help with identifying details? Please email your information to Robertson at: fieldingphotos@gaynz.com. Please quote the image number(s) in your email. All the information supplied to Robertson will be confidentially attached to the photos. We have tried to ensure that any photos shown here are unlikely to be either particularly personal or to run a heightened risk of being inappropriate to present publicly. But if there is a strong reason you want any of these images removed please email fieldingphotos@gaynz.com asap. df-0208 df-0419 df-0230 df-0131 df-0336 df-1041 df-0594 df-0160 df-0380 GayNZ.com Daily News staff - 11th September 2013
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 11th September 2013 - 9:54pm