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Queensland election leaflet "fear-mongering"

Thu 5 Sep 2013 In: International News

A Queensland pre-election leaflet claiming that supporting marriage equality, as advocated by some candidates, will lead to same-sex education has been condemned by Australian marriage equality advocates. The flyers appear to be targeting pro-gay equality candidates and are said to be the work of the National Civic Council, a group affiliated with the far right National Civic Council. Australian Marriage Equality national director Rodney Croome says the flyers "use objectionable images of children and false information from the USA to stir up fear and hate against marriage equality and those Liberal, Labor and Independent candidates who support it." "The flyers will have a particularly harmful impact on young gay people coming to terms with their sexuality and on the children being raised by same-sex couples," Croome says the leaflets are "fear-mongering" and he is calling on party leaders Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott to condemn them. Meanwhile, Rudd has confirmed the reasons he has done an about-face and is now a supporter of marriage equality. He says he was strongly against it until he became totally convinced that homosexuality is not a choice but natural for some people. He now says homosexuals should be treated equally by the law and society.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Thursday, 5th September 2013 - 5:39pm

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