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Sth Auckland union members against Robertson

Thu 29 Aug 2013 In: New Zealand Daily News

"I don't like gay people, I don't like him" An anti-gay groundswell against Labour's deputy party leader Grant Robertson becoming leader may be emerging amongst union members in South Auckland. Three thousand people attended a union-organised rally today against employment law changes. 3 News says of forty of those it questioned, mostly strongly Christian Pacific Islanders, only two support Robertson's bid for the Labour leader position ahead of the 2014 general election. Comments included: "I don't like gay people, I don't like him;" "I don't like gay... I don't like to see him as the Prime Minister;" and "Being gay gives a bad example for all of us." Grant Robertson believes he can win over the south Auckland party faithful, many of whom are blue-collar workers and union members. In the election for party leader, Labour members constitute 40% of the vote, MPs another 40% and affiliated unions command 20%. South Auckland's lesbian MP, Louisa Wall who represents the Manurewa electorate, has made public her support for Robertson's opponent, David Cunliffe.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Thursday, 29th August 2013 - 8:31pm

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