Jess Ives and Rachel Briscoe, one of the couples married in Rotorua this morning A minimum of fifteen same-sex couples married around the country today, the first day that same-sex marriages became legal, according to figures released minutes ago. Births Death and Marriages has so far been formally notified of fifteen same-sex couples who got married today. Nine were registry office weddings and six were weddings by marriage celebrants. Updated figures, unavailable on Friday evening due to effects of the earthquakes, show 37 same sex couples intended to marry today, according to Registrar-General of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Jeff Montgomery. “We expect that most of these couples will have got married today. Couples who marry in locations other than marriage registries e.g. churches, have ten days to return their papers to us for registration. So final figures for the numbers of same sex couples who married today will be available in a couple of weeks,” Montgomery says. In addition, five further same sex couples have today notified Births, Deaths and Marriages today that they intend to get married. These five marriages can occur on or after this coming Thursday when the couples receive their marriage licence. “We have had same-sex couples all over New Zealand notify us that they want to get married and we have also had couples from overseas show interest," says Montgomery. "We’re working with all of our customers to make sure they are fully informed of what they need to do so they can get married as early as possible." Couples need to fill out a notice of intended marriage form and then one of the couple needs to bring the form to a Registry Office, make a statutory declaration in front of a Registrar of Marriages and pay the fee. The form includes the terms ‘bride’, ‘bridegroom’ and ‘partner’. Three days later we will issue the couple a marriage licence.” Same-sex couples in a civil union may also decide to change their civil union to a marriage. "It’s really important that same-sex couples read up on the process on our website so they know what they have to do.” Montgomery has paid tribute to his staff who have overseen this significant change in the law and the processes required to follow it up. “I’m pleased that the hard work by all our staff to deliver the changes required to support the requirements of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act 2013 has been completed."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 19th August 2013 - 7:54pm