Trevor Mallard Labour is calling for contingency plans to be put in place for members of the New Zealand Olympic team and their supporters who may be caught up in the enforcement of Russia’s new anti-gay visibility laws. Senior MP and Sport and Recreation spokesman Trevor Mallard says the Government must condemn the new legislation and move to ensure New Zealand athletes and supporters will be safe in Sochi. “Our athletes must not be put at risk by Russia’s discriminatory new laws. Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully, who is also Sport and Recreation Minister, must use New Zealand’s diplomatic channels to make New Zealand’s views clear,” he says. “Contingency arrangements must be put in place for members of the New Zealand Olympic team and their supporters who may be caught up in the enforcement of Russia’s new laws,” Mallard continues. “The New Zealand Olympic Committee should inform the International Olympic Committee that it expects the sporting body to work with the Russian government to address the concerns of athletes. “This should be both directly and through the two New Zealanders sitting on the International Olympic Committee.” Following Mallard's statements, Prime Minister John Key has today spoken out on the issue for the first time, saying McCully has let Russian authorities know that we totally disagree with the laws. He also added: “It’s our view that New Zealanders, irrelevant of what their sexual preferences are, should be able to go and compete in the Winter Games. We’ve made point that clear.”
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 13th August 2013 - 3:12pm