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Taylor to cease treatment after celebration

Tue 6 Aug 2013 In: New Zealand Daily News View at NDHA

Peter Taylor Auckland’s adored community inspiration Peter Taylor has revealed he will ‘let go’ of his ‘tired and painful body’ after the Cartier Trust’s grand celebration of his life. The former owner of much-loved Auckland bars Surrender Dorothy, Dot’s Sister and Dot’s is the only person in the world living with both leishmaniasis and HIV, and has clocked up around hundreds of doses of chemotherapy. The treatment has left him severely deaf and with only 10 per cent of his vision. In his latest blog, Taylor says he has run out of ‘oomph’. “In fact I have made some decisions. The recent time in hospital with the ear scrap and the liver infarct was enough to put a big NO to any further invasive action. No operations, no cuts and no pain, as I can’t do it anymore. I have a big commitment I am hanging around for,” he writes. “The Cartier Bereavement Trust, which raises funds to bury HIV patients’ who have been abandoned by their families, will hold a fund raising dinner on August 31. I am the subject for ‘This is your life’, so of format. Once this commitment is met I can let go of this very tired and painful body.” Taylor says the day after the night of glamour, he will cease all medications and treatments and let nature take its course. “The doctors assume it will take about five to ten days and whoopee I’m out of here,” he says. “You probably have not met someone so excited about parting from this world. Being wrapped in love, without fear, happy and excited about my new adventure leaves me in no doubt as to I am ready. So much to do for this trip and no packing.” Taylor has also written his final book, Past My Expiry Date, an exploration of how and why he is the only person who has lived with his illness. You can get the ebook on Amazon here or order a physical copy here You can buy tickets to Cartier Bereavement Trust’s This is Your Life; Peter Taylor at St-Matthew-in-the-City on 31 August here      

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Tuesday, 6th August 2013 - 4:34pm

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