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Wellington conference to look beyond marriage

Thu 1 Aug 2013 In: New Zealand Daily News

***image1***The Queer Avengers will host a weekend of discussion and action on gender and sexual diversity in October. The Beyond conference is all about “looking beyond marriage towards an inclusive movement for gender and sexual liberation”. The conference will be held from the 11-13 October at Wellington High School. It will be made up of a mixture of presentations, panels and workshops, aiming to address the lived experiences of queer/trans people in relation to identity, race, disability, the media, healthcare, parenting, education and imprisonment (among others). Broadly, the Saturday will be focused on discussions of experience, identity and intersectionality, and the Sunday will be centred around skill-sharing and campaign work. Throughout the weekend there will also be opportunities for networking, informal discussion and socialising. Head here to register    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Thursday, 1st August 2013 - 2:22pm

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