Follow ups to the hui where ideas for making Auckland Council more inclusive were brewed up will be held in both west and south Auckland. “Please come and join in the discussions as the working group feedback from Hui 1 and create ways forward. Meet people from your local area, have a chat and some fun,” organisers say. “In a bid to acknowledge the breadth of rainbow communities in Auckland, we've decided to move out across Auckland for our second hui.” The first hui was in Auckland central last month (picture thanks to Andrea) They are planning a ‘Hui-Double-Hitter’, with two options for Hui on Saturday 20 July: In the morning at Manukau - 10am-12pm (Auckland Council Chambers - 4 Osterley Way, Manukau) In the afternoon out at Henderson 2-4pm (Auckland Council Chambers – 6 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson) The hui, hosted by Auckland Council's Rainbow Door, aim to create a shared strategic vision for ‘Auckland to be the Most Liveable City for Our Communities’.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 13th July 2013 - 9:54am