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Auckland Council onboard with wedding comp

Sun 30 Jun 2013 In: New Zealand Daily News View at NDHA

File Photo Auckland Council is lending a helping hand to a radio station offering a gay or lesbian couple a full wedding and reception on the morning same-sex marriage becomes legal. ZM’s “Fabulous Gay Wedding" will take place on 19 August at 8AM at gay-supportive church St-Matthew-in-the-City. Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development is providing an Auckland Destination package for the couple, and the chance to stage their wedding breakfast at The Cloud on Queens Wharf in conjuction with Waterfront Auckland. ATTED Chief Executive Brett O'Riley says Auckland is proud to add its support alongside our investment in the annual Auckland Pride Festival. “The gay community brings so much vibrancy to our region, and contributes mightily to our vision of making Auckland the world’s most liveable city.” ZM’s Content Director, Christian Boston says it’s fantastic to see the Council getting into the spirit of the occasion. “This wedding signifies a milestone for New Zealand and people are embracing it. The support has been overwhelming and the Council’s involvement is a great example of the spirit we’re seeing.” Boston says ZM listeners have been intimately involved in shaping the wedding, including voting for a ‘Royal Wedding’ theme. “Thanks to St Matthews in the City the ceremony will be held in this stunning location which has been celebrating weddings for over 150 years. Their mission is to be a progressive Anglican Church with a heart for the city and an eye to the world, so what better place to hold New Zealand’s first gay wedding.” In royal wedding tradition, a procession will take place through the streets of Auckland following the ceremony. “In true royal style, our married couple will travel by horse-drawn carriage from St Matthews through the streets of Auckland city to The Cloud,” Boston says. The five finalist couples will be announced on the station’s breakfast show over the coming week.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Sunday, 30th June 2013 - 2:28pm

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